
24 people are part of the Basivilla Community in Ostermundigen. They live in two houses and one apartment. Based on the believe that biblical community starts a process of healing and liberation, the residents of this community have chosen a binding commitment to each other. This community sees itself as family and creates a home full of love and security.

House of Peace

Eleven People live in four separate apartments in the House of Peace. It is supposed to be a place where people experience healing and growth. They gather once per week in a so called House Evening.


The Community imHuus is part of 24-7 Prayer. Nine people are part of it. They live in a large house and an apartment in the city of Thun. They share kitchen, bathroom and livingrooms. Their special concern is to follow biblical values in their daily lives, to follow the principles of discipleship and to positively shape their social environment. Nightclubs, methadone substitution program and emergency night shelter are their immediate neighbours, where they can live their values. In addition they offer a public prayer room in their basement.

24-7 Prayer Community Stanford

The 24-7 prayer community in Stanford, England owns two houses as a meeting place. It includes a prayerroom and a guest house. There are between 35 and 40 people who are part of the community, who also live in about 10 minutes walking distance of these community houses. They mainly focus on prayer, mission and the works of justice.


Jesus Army

The New Creation Christian Community, better known as Jesus Army, was funded in de early 70ies in northern London, around Northampton. Today there are more than 600 members who also form the core of the Jesus Fellowship Church. Their community invests in people on the margin of society.


Gemeinschaftshaus Moosrain

There are about 35 people living in the house in Riehen/BS. They live divided into four floor-communities. This community is a place of worship and social welfare work. Two of these floor-communities are twinning with the association Offene Tür (open door) and offer integrative living space for people with mental impairments. Every Friday evening a nondenominational service takes place in the house chapel. Irene and Thomas Widmer-Huber and some of their friends are in charge of this community as well as the Centre of Competence for Common Life. The couple Widmer-Huber have co-authored the book: Es gibt was Anderes – Gemeinschaftliches Leben für Singles und Familien with Astrid Eichler.



The Fischerhus is a flat-sharing community for young people. Residents are: a young family and twelve young adults ages between 18 and 30 years. It is their goal that every resident may grow in faith, in character through this common lifestyle. Living in community serves as learning field, to practice faith in every day life.



The Don Camillo Community was funded in 1977 and was established in Montmirail in 1988. Six families and three single people are part of the community. There are eleven houses, a farm and a large chapel on the estate. Three times a day there is a prayer gathering in the chapel. Montmirail is known for its guest catering, offering recreation and encouragement.



Astrid Eichler lives in a small community close to Berlin. She is part of EmwAg (Es muss etwas Anderes geben), (there has got to be something different). EmwAg joins together life-seekers and alone-living-people and community-lovers to form a vivid network. EmwAg motivates women and men to search life and find community through the organization of events, regional initiatives and meetings.
Astrid is the author of the book: Es gibt was Anderes – Gemeinschaftliches Leben für Singles und Familien.


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