Local life together
Families and singles move into the same streets, apartment blocks and apartment buildings and / or connect with their christian neighbors
Variants: Small and service groups in the city or village part within the framework of a christian (house) community, if there is a binding community and not just every two weeks house group or similar.
House partnership
Residents of two or more houses connect.
Variants: Small and service groups in the city or village part within the framework of a christian (house) community, if there is a binding community and not just every two weeks house group or similar.
Variants: Multiple singles, families and singles, multiple families.
Additional variants: someone has their own apartment in the neighborhood, but a connection to the house community. You build a housing cooperative or a housing estate or rent an existing settlement.
Variants: Multiple singles, families and singles.
Additional variant: someone has their own apartment in the neighborhood, but in connection with the shared apartment.
Combination and development of new models
In addition to the combination of the life forms mentioned, new models can be developed. The key question is which community model is best suited for those involved and their concerns. Let us be inspired by the creator of creativity!
Idea and text: Thomas Widmer-Huber, Center of Competence for common life, Riehen
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